Having a GE-Free policy is a commitment by a manufacturer to exclude products from GMOs, and to use GE-free/ Non-GMO ingredients.
When the first GMO foods such as GE soy spread through the global food system, countries introduced regulations to check safety of GE foods and to label them so consumers have a right to choose.
However there are gaps and exemptions in the rules set by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and ingredients from GMOs can be hidden from consumers as processed ingredients and oils, or at take-aways and restaurants.
Food companies have to take extra effort to avoid GMO ingredients that FSANZ rules allow to be used.This may mean having to replace ingredients likely to be contaminated with GMO variants such as soy, with organic or ‘identity preserved’ non-GMO alternatives.
No Guarantees
Even with best efforts having a GE-Free policy is not a guarantee that no contamination will occur. It is a commitment that shows a food brand is making every effort to exclude GMO and GE ingredients from their supply chain.
Company policies can change so if in doubt check with them to confirm they use Non-GMO ingredients.
Misleading Trade Practice
If a company is misleading consumers by claiming to avoid GE ingredients but still uses undisclosed or illegal GMO ingredients you can report them to the Commerce Commission and FSANZ.